(原标题:Aquajet System推出世界上最小的水力清拆机器人) 摘要:Aquajet Systems发明了世界上最小的水力清拆机器人Aqua Cutter 410V。多功能模型使该机器人能在...
In the coming robot revolution, one area believed to be relatively safe from automation is creativity. While artificial intelligence may soon usurp taxi drivers, receptionists, and even lawyers, the uniquely ...
(原标题:[视频]麻省理工开发出“让机器人教会其它机器人”的C-Learn技术) 摘要:在许多科幻影视作品中,都提到机器人在接管了接管了世界之后会带来可怕的后果。...
这种折纸结构可用于柔性机器人、柔性执行器、机械超材料以及生物医学设备中。 (责任编辑:罗伯特)免责声明:中国网财经转载此文目的在于传递更多信息,不代表本网的观点...
据媒体报道,工信部目前正在制定行业准入条件,以提高准入门槛,严控工业机器人高端产业低端化和低端产品产能过剩风险。” 工业和信息化部副部长辛国斌近日表示,机器人...
So Nvidia, which makes the GPUs used in many machine learning supercomputers, designed a
robot simulator—a virtual sandbox for AI-powered bots to play around in and allow engineers to monitor ...
Nvidia's Isaac makes it easier to build and train intelligent robotsVentureBeat
城市管网分布复杂,清淤工作光靠人力效率低且危险程度大,恒通环境全球首创下水道清淤机器人。 下水道清淤机器人最大特点是实现了“人不下井、路不开挖、水不截流、...
Most human interactions with robots come from behind a screen. Whether it's fiction or a real-life interaction, rarely are we put face to face with a robot. This poses a significant barrier when we look ...