This robot can process a crab in seconds, and it might actually save rural jobs – CBC.ca
The world's first full-on crab plant robot sits inside a tall, plastic chamber roughly the size of a shipping container. A conveyer belt carries the splayed crab into the chamber, where a robotic scoops them ...
How very Cambridge: student engineers create a robot that ROWS – Cambridge News
Students from Cambridge have created a robot whose sole purpose is to row along the River Cam. The team of engineers from Peterhouse recently created 'Row-bot', which slowly rows along the river ...
Lunar robots deployed to Mount Etna to prepare for future landings on Mars, moon – RT
Europe's most active volcano welcomes tourists every day, but now it's hosting some rather unusual visitors - lunar robots whose skills are being tested for future landing missions on the moon and Mars.
Please ignore the robots – The Verge
They show that robots have been shocking society for far longer than we usually think. To us they seem a modern phenomenon, but for centuries, the rich and powerful have been building automata to ...
日媒:日本农业人口持续减少 民间尝试建立机器人农业_《参考消息》…
(原标题:日媒:日本农业人口持续减少 民间尝试建立机器人农业_《参考消息》官方网站) 【延伸阅读】日本农业补贴“无微不至” 参考消息网2月25日报道 虽然日本完全...
腾讯科技讯 人类的很多发明灵感,都来源于大自然,机器人的创造也是如此。对于现代机器人技术来说,生物学是不可或缺的灵感源泉,生物奥妙可以解决机器人设计的很多难点...