“I do hope that this project can bring some inspiration to the relationship between technology and natural default settings.” For more information on the purchasable
robot HEXA, that formed the base of ...
HEXA the six-legged robot plant chases the sun to look after its succulentDesignboomHexa, the six legged robot, carries a potted plant and reaches out for sunlightFirstpost
Researchers at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University developed a new technique to quickly teach robots novel traversal behaviors with minimal ...
Researchers at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University developed a new technique to quickly teach robots novel traversal behaviors with minimal human oversight. The technique allows mobile robots to navigate autonomously in environments while carrying out actions a human would expect of the robot in a given…
The post US Army making mobile robots more reliable for soldiers appeared first on The Robot Report.
Hold still while Vincent van Bot paints your portrait. That's right, sophisticated robots can now create works of art comparable to the old masters. The RobotArt gallery has amassed an impressive ...
事实上,因为太难,一些初创公司已经使用了更便宜、更简单的方法,即让人类像机器人一样工作,而不是让机器像人类一样工作。 “使用人力完成一项工作可以让你跳过大量...
中国电子信息产业发展研究院党委书记、副院长宋显珠指出,“机器人与人工智能成为经济发展的新引擎。” 与之伴生的是机器智能(Machine Intelligence,即MI)的概念。德勤...
Now imagine a robot trying to do the same thing. Tricky: Most robots don't have fingernails, or friction-facilitating fingerpads that perfectly mimic ours. So many of these delicate manipulations continue to ...
We don't know about you, but our vision of a futuristic,
robot-ran society has always entailed a bunch of highly specified machines performing everyday tasks, each a small but important cog in a greater, ...
Meet the sun-chasing robot with a plant on its backCurbedThis little robot moves to keep your plants in optimal sunlightIrish Examiner
DoNews 7月13日消息(记者 向密) 机器人公司高仙日前正式发布楼宇配送机器人解决方案,主打的优势是:为用户提供一套只要万元级成本的机器人配送解决方案。 根据介绍...