LUKE prosthetic arm has sense of touch, can move in response to thoughts

Keven Walgamott had a good “feeling” about picking up the egg without crushing it. What seems simple for nearly everyone else can be more of a Herculean task for Walgamott, who lost his left hand and part of his arm in an electrical accident 17 years ago. But he was testing out the prototype of LUKE, a high-tech prosthetic arm with fingers that not only can move, they can move with his thoughts. And thanks to a biomedical engineering team at the University of Utah, he “felt” the egg well enough so his brain could tell the prosthetic hand not to squeeze too hard.

That’s because the team, led by University of Utah biomedical engineering associate professor Gregory Clark, has developed a way for the “LUKE Arm” (named after the robotic hand that Luke Skywalker got in The Empire Strikes Back) to mimic the way a human hand feels objects by sending the appropriate signals to the brain.

Their findings were published in a new paper co-authored by University of Utah biomedical engineering doctoral student Jacob George, former doctoral student David Kluger, Clark, and other colleagues in the latest edition of the journal Science Robotics.

Sending the right messages

“We changed the way we are sending that information to the brain so that it matches the human body. And by matching the human body, we were able to see improved benefits,” George says. “We’re making more biologically realistic signals.”

That means an amputee wearing the prosthetic arm can sense the touch of something soft or hard, understand better how to pick it up, and perform delicate tasks that would otherwise be impossible with a standard prosthetic with metal hooks or claws for hands.

“It almost put me to tears,” Walgamott says about using the LUKE Arm for the first time during clinical tests in 2017. “It was really amazing. I never thought I would be able to feel in that hand again.”

Walgamott, a real estate agent from West Valley City, Utah, and one of seven test subjects at the University of Utah, was able to pluck grapes without crushing them, pick up an egg without cracking it, and hold his wife’s hand with a sensation in the fingers similar to that of an able-bodied person.

“One of the first things he wanted to do was put on his wedding ring. That’s hard to do with one hand,” says Clark. “It was very moving.”

How those things are accomplished is through a complex series of mathematical calculations and modeling.

Kevin Walgamott LUKE arm

Kevin . Walgamott wears the LUKE prosthetic arm. Credit: University of Utah Center for Neural Interfaces

The LUKE Arm

The LUKE Arm has been in development for some 15 years. The arm itself is made of mostly metal motors and parts with a clear silicon “skin” over the hand. It is powered by an external battery and wired to a computer. It was developed by DEKA Research & Development Corp., a New Hampshire-based company founded by Segway inventor Dean Kamen.

Meanwhile, the University of Utah team has been developing a system that allows the prosthetic arm to tap into the wearer’s nerves, which are like biological wires that send signals to the arm to move. It does that thanks to an invention by University of Utah biomedical engineering Emeritus Distinguished Professor Richard A. Normann called the Utah Slanted Electrode Array.

The Array is a bundle of 100 microelectrodes and wires that are implanted into the amputee’s nerves in the forearm and connected to a computer outside the body. The array interprets the signals from the still-remaining arm nerves, and the computer translates them to digital signals that tell the arm to move.

But it also works the other way. To perform tasks such as picking up objects requires more than just the brain telling the hand to move. The prosthetic hand must also learn how to “feel” the object in order to know how much pressure to exert because you can’t figure that out just by looking at it.

First, the prosthetic arm has sensors in its hand that send signals to the nerves via the Array to mimic the feeling the hand gets upon grabbing something. But equally important is how those signals are sent. It involves understanding how your brain deals with transitions in information when it first touches something. Upon first contact of an object, a burst of impulses runs up the nerves to the brain and then tapers off. Recreating this was a big step.

“Just providing sensation is a big deal, but the way you send that information is also critically important, and if you make it more biologically realistic, the brain will understand it better and the performance of this sensation will also be better,” says Clark.

To achieve that, Clark’s team used mathematical calculations along with recorded impulses from a primate’s arm to create an approximate model of how humans receive these different signal patterns. That model was then implemented into the LUKE Arm system.

Future research

In addition to creating a prototype of the LUKE Arm with a sense of touch, the overall team is already developing a version that is completely portable and does not need to be wired to a computer outside the body. Instead, everything would be connected wirelessly, giving the wearer complete freedom.

Clark says the Utah Slanted Electrode Array is also capable of sending signals to the brain for more than just the sense of touch, such as pain and temperature, though the paper primarily addresses touch. And while their work currently has only involved amputees who lost their extremities below the elbow, where the muscles to move the hand are located, Clark says their research could also be applied to those who lost their arms above the elbow.

Clark hopes that in 2020 or 2021, three test subjects will be able to take the arm home to use, pending federal regulatory approval.

The research involves a number of institutions including the University of Utah’s Department of Neurosurgery, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Department of Orthopedics, the University of Chicago’s Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, the Cleveland Clinic’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Utah neurotechnology companies Ripple Neuro LLC and Blackrock Microsystems. The project is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation.

“This is an incredible interdisciplinary effort,” says Clark. “We could not have done this without the substantial efforts of everybody on that team.”

Editor’s note: Reposted from the University of Utah.

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KIST researchers teach robot to trap a ball without coding

KIST teaching

KIST’s research shows that robots can be intuitively taught to be flexible by humans rather than through numerical calculation or programming the robot’s movements. Credit: KIST

The Center for Intelligent & Interactive Robotics at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, or KIST, said that a team led by Dr. Kee-hoon Kim has developed a way of teaching “impedance-controlled robots” through human demonstrations. It uses surface electromyograms of muscles and succeeded in teaching a robot to trap a dropped ball like a soccer player.

A surface electromyogram (sEMG) is an electric signal produced during muscle activation that can be picked up on the surface of the skin, said KIST, which is led by Pres. Byung-gwon Lee.

Recently developed impedance-controlled robots have opened up a new era of robotics based on the natural elasticity of human muscles and joints, which conventional rigid robots lack. Robots with flexible joints are expected to be able to run, jump hurdles and play sports like humans. However, the technology required to teach such robots to move in this manner has been unavailable until recently.

KIST uses human muscle signals to teach robots how to move

The KIST research team claimed to be the first in the world to develop a way of teaching new movements to impedance-controlled robots using human muscle signals. With this technology, which detects not only human movements but also muscle contractions through sEMG, it’s possible for robots to imitate movements based on human demonstrations.

Dr. Kee-hoon Kim’s team said it succeeded in using sEMG to teach a robot to quickly and adroitly trap a rapidly falling ball before it comes into contact with a solid surface or bounces too far to reach — similar to the skills employed by soccer players.

SEMG sensors were attached to a man’s arm, allowing him to simultaneously control the location and flexibility of the robot’s rapid upward and downward movements. The man then “taught” the robot how to trap a rapidly falling ball by giving a personal demonstration. After learning the movement, the robot was able to skillfully trap a dropped ball without any external assistance.

KIST movements

sEMG sensors attached to a man’s arm, allowed him to control the location and flexibility of a robot’s rapid movements. Source: KIST

This research outcome, which shows that robots can be intuitively taught to be flexible by humans, has attracted much attention, as it was not accomplished through numerical calculation or programming of the robot’s movements. This study is expected to help advance the study of interactions between humans and robots, bringing us one step closer to a world in which robots are an integral part of our daily lives.

Kim said, “The outcome of this research, which focuses on teaching human skills to robots, is an important achievement in the study of interactions between humans and robots.”

TRI tackles manipulation research for reliable, robust human-assist robots

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a robot in your home that could work with you to put away the groceries, fold the laundry, cook your dinner, do the dishes, and tidy up before the guests come over? For some of us, a robot assistant – a teammate – might only be a convenience.

But for others, including our growing population of older people, applications like this could be the difference between living at home or in an assisted care facility. Done right, we believe these robots will amplify and augment human capabilities, allowing us to enjoy longer, healthier lives.

Decades of prognostications about the future – largely driven by science fiction novels and popular entertainment – have encouraged public expectations that someday home robots will happen. Companies have been trying for years to deliver on such forecasts and figure out how to safely introduce ever more capable robots into the unstructured home environment.

Despite this age of tremendous technological progress, the robots we see in homes to date are primarily vacuum cleaners and toys. Most people don’t realize how far today’s best robots are from being able to do basic household tasks. When they see heavy use of robot arms in factories or impressive videos on YouTube showing what a robot can do, they might reasonably expect these robots could be used in the home now.

Bringing robots into the home

Why haven’t home robots materialized as quickly as some have come to expect? One big challenge is reliability. Consider:

  • If you had a robot that could load dishes into the dishwasher for you, what if it broke a dish once a week?
  • Or, what if your child brings home a “No. 1 DAD!” mug that she painted at the local art studio, and after dinner, the robot discards that mug into the trash because it didn’t recognize it as an actual mug?

A major barrier for bringing robots into the home are core unsolved problems in manipulation that prevent reliability. As I presented this week at the Robotics: Science and Systems conference, the Toyota Research Institute (TRI) is working on fundamental issues in robot manipulation to tackle these unsolved reliability challenges. We have been pursuing a unique combination of robotics capabilities focused on dexterous tasks in an unstructured environment.

Unlike the sterile, controlled and programmable environment of the factory, the home is a “wild west” – unstructured and diverse. We cannot expect lab tests to account for every different object that a robot will see in your home. This challenge is sometimes referred to as “open-world manipulation,” as a callout to “open-world” computer games.

Despite recent strides in artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is still very hard to engineer a system that can deal with the complexity of a home environment and guarantee that it will (almost) always work correctly.

TRI addresses the reliability gap

Above is a demonstration video showing how TRI is exploring the challenge of robustness that addresses the reliability gap. We are using a robot loading dishes in a dishwasher as an example task. Our goal is not to design a robot that loads the dishwasher, but rather we use this task as a means to develop the tools and algorithms that can in turn be applied in many different applications.

Our focus is not on hardware, which is why we are using a factory robot arm in this demonstration rather than designing one that would be more appropriate for the home kitchen.

The robot in our demonstration uses stereo cameras mounted around the sink and deep learning algorithms to perceive objects in the sink. There are many robots out there today that can pick up almost any object — random object clutter clearing has become a standard benchmark robotics challenge. In clutter clearing, the robot doesn’t require much understanding about an object — perceiving the basic geometry is enough.

For example, the algorithm doesn’t need to recognize if the object is a plush toy, a toothbrush, or a coffee mug. Given this, these systems are also relatively limited with what they can do with those objects; for the most part, they can only pick up the objects and drop them in another location only. In the robotics world, we sometimes refer to these robots as “pick and drop.”

Loading the dishwasher is actually significantly harder than what most roboticists are currently demonstrating, and it requires considerably more understanding about the objects. Not only does the robot have to recognize a mug or a plate or “clutter,” but it has to also understand the shape, position, and orientation of each object in order to place it accurately in the dishwasher.

TRI’s work in progress shows not only that this is possible, but that it can be done with robustness that allows the robot to continuously operate for hours without disruption.

Toyota Research Institute

Getting a grasp on household tasks

Our manipulation robot has a relatively simple hand — a two-fingered gripper. The hand can make relatively simple grasps on a mug, but its ability to pick up a plate is more subtle. Plates are large and may be stacked, so we have to execute a complex “contact-rich” maneuver that slides one gripper finger under and between plates in order to get a firm hold. This is a simple example of the type of dexterity that humans achieve easily, but that we rarely see in robust robotics applications.

Silverware can also be tricky — it is small and shiny, which makes it hard to see with a machine-learning camera. Plus, given that the robot hand is relatively large compared to the smaller sink, the robot occasionally needs to stop and nudge the silverware to the center of the sink in order to do the pick. Our system can also detect if an object is not a mug, plate or silverware and, labeling it as “clutter,” and move it to a “discard” bin.

Connecting all of these pieces is a sophisticated task planner, which is constantly deciding what task the robot should execute next. This task planner decides if it should pull out the bottom drawer of the dishwasher to load some plates, pull out the middle drawer for mugs, or pull out the top drawer for silverware.’

Like the other components, we have made it resilient — if the drawer gets suddenly closed when it was needed to be open, the robot will stop, put down the object on the counter top, and pull the drawer back out to try again. This response shows how different this capability is than a typical precision, repetitive factory robot, which are typically isolated from human contact and environmental randomness.

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Simulation key to success

The cornerstone of TRI’s approach is the use of simulation. Simulation gives us a principled way to engineer and test systems of this complexity with incredible task diversity and machine learning and artificial intelligence components. It allows us to understand what level of performance the robot will have in your home with your mugs, even though we haven’t been able to test in your kitchen during our development.

An exciting achievement is that we have made great strides in making simulation robust enough to handle the visual and mechanical complexity of this dishwasher loading task and on closing the “sim to real” gap. We are now able to design and test in simulation and have confidence that the results will transfer to the real robot. At long last, we have reached a point where we do nearly all of our development in simulation, which has traditionally not been the case for robotic manipulation research.

We can run many more tests in simulation and more diverse tests. We are constantly generating random scenarios that will test the individual components of the dish loading plus the end-to-end performance.

Let me give you a simple example of how this works. Consider the task of extracting a single mug from the sink.  We generate scenarios where we place the mug in all sorts of random configurations, testing to find “corner cases” — rare situations where our perception algorithms or grasping algorithms might fail. We can vary material properties and lighting conditions. We even have algorithms for generating random, but reasonable, shapes of the mug, generating everything from a small espresso cup to a portly cylindrical coffee mug.

We conduct simulation testing through the night, and every morning we receive a report that gives us new failure cases that we need to address.

Early on, those failures were relatively easy to find, and easy to fix. Sometimes they are failures of the simulator — something happened in the simulator that could never have happened in the real world — and sometimes they are problems in our perception or grasping algorithms. We have to fix all of these failures.

TRI robot

TRI is using an industrial robot for household tasks to test its algorithms. Source: TRI

As we continue down this road to robustness, the failures are getting more rare and more subtle. The algorithms that we use to find those failures also need to get more advanced. The search space is so huge, and the performance of the system so nuanced, that finding the corner cases efficiently becomes our core research challenge.

Although we are exploring this problem in the kitchen sink, the core ideas and algorithms are motivated by, and are applicable to, related problems such as verifying automated driving technologies.

‘Repairing’ algorithms

The next piece of our work focuses on the development of algorithms to automatically “repair” the perception algorithm or controller whenever we find a new failure case. Because we are using simulation, we can test our changes against not only this newly discovered scenario, but also make sure that our changes also work for all of the other scenarios that we’ve discovered in the preceding tests.

Of course, it’s not enough to fix this one test. We have to make sure we also do not break all of the other tests that passed before. It’s possible to imagine a not-so-distant future where this repair can happen directly in your kitchen, whereby if one robot fails to handle your mug correctly, then all robots around the world learn from that mistake.

We are committed to achieving dexterity and reliability in open-world manipulation. Loading a dishwasher is just one example in a series of experiments we will be using at TRI to focus on this problem.

It’s a long journey, but ultimately it will produce capabilities that will bring more advanced robots into the home. When this happens, we hope that older adults will have the help they need to age in place with dignity, working with a robotic helper that will amplify their capabilities, while allowing more independence, longer.

Editor’s note: This post by Dr. Russ Tedrake, vice president of robotics research at TRI and a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is republished with permission from the Toyota Research Institute.