(原标题:NASA机器人原型已经为前往冰冷天体做好准备) 摘要:据外媒报道,美国宇航局(NASA)近日推出了一些机器人原型,旨在探索一些冰冷的天体,包括木星卫星——木卫二...
2016年,专注于机器人开发的风投资金已经达到了19.5亿美金,跟六年前相比,这个投资额上涨了10 倍,而且这个势头并没有任何减缓下来的意思。开发室内机器人的公司包括...
仿生蝙蝠机器人 这个小东西飞起来有点可怕
Invest in robots to really help workers
America’s manufacturing heyday is gone, and so are millions of jobs, lost to modernization. A new report from PwC estimates that 38 percent of American jobs are at “high risk” of being replaced by technology within the next 15 years. But how soon automation will replace workers is not the real problem. The real threat to American jobs will come if China does it first.
Robot epigenetics: Adding complexity to embodied robot evolution – Science Daily
Evolutionary robotics is a new exciting area of research which draws on Darwinian evolutionary principles to automatically develop autonomous robots. In a new research article published in Frontiers in Robotics and AI, researchers add more complexity ...
Mobile Industrial Robots Launches New MiR200 More Powerful Autonomous Mobile Robot that Supports Easier Programming … – Yahoo Finance
Mobile Industrial Robots, (MiR), a next-generation developer and manufacturer of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), is launching its newest robot, the MiR200, at Automate 2017 in Chicago today.
This robot is a cute security camera you can control while you’re away – CNBC
Kuri is a cute, intelligent robot for the home designed by Mayfield Robotics, a Bosch start-up out of Redwood City, CA. It can understand facial expressions, cruise around your house and connect with ...
Robots Playing Important Role In Operating Room – WVXU
The types of surgeries involving robots are increasing. The most recent examples are cochlear and dental implants. This comes as engineers slowly move ahead to make the robots smarter and more ...
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