Cutting-edge underwater mining system can give flooded mines a new lease of life
Europe has an estimated EUR 100 billion worth of unexploited mineral resources lying at depths of 500-1,000 m. Following centuries of active mining, the continent's more accessible mineral deposits are mostly depleted. However, there are still deep-lying resources in abandoned flooded mines and in unmined underwater deposits that can't be exploited using conventional dry mining techniques.
英国公司研发“画家”机器人 仿生眼有点怕怕的
2月11日,在英国康沃尔郡法尔茅斯,机器人公司engineering Arts研发的人工智能机器人Ai-Da,它能通过仿生眼和手给人画像。它的创造者相信他们打造出了“世界上第一个...
Bianews 2月11日消息,今日,硅谷机器人公司Nuro宣布,已经完成来自软银愿景基金的9.4亿美元融资。到目前为止,Nuro完成了来自软银、高榕资本、Greylock Partners、网易...
机器人要崛起:人工智能将来能够直接解读人脑电波2019-02-12 09:04:10 出处:新浪科技 作者:任天 编辑:雪花 大脑神经科学家正在教导计算机直接从人脑中读出单词。...
人造复眼 促进自动驾驶车辆和机器人发展