Imagine telling someone half a century ago that, here in 2018, our watches would order us to get up out of our chairs, we would have always-listening smart speakers in our homes, and a data-collecting ...
You know, the typical stuff: sediment studies, a plant thermometer, a replacement hand for the giant
robotic Canadarm. Oh, and also a floating
robot designed as a helpmeet for astronauts—scientifically, ...
A Robot With Artificial Intelligence Is Heading to SpaceTIMESpaceX is sending an AI robot 'crew member' to join the astronauts on the space stationThe VergeRobot with artificial intelligence about to invade spaceCanoe
Terrifying artificial-intelligence-powered robots (pictured) can now walk over rough terrain to stalk human targets. Walking robots typically struggle with the unpredictability of uneven ground, where ...
The Festo Bionic Learning Network has released it latest biomimicry innovations to support ongoing research in engineering, manufacturing, and materials science drawn from natural systems. Here are the 2018 additions to the Festo Bionic Learning Network: A transforming spider that rolls or creeps A robotic fish that autonomously maneuvers through acrylic water-filled tubing A semi-autonomous flying…
The post Festo Bionic Learning Network adds robot bats, fish, spiders appeared first on The Robot Report.
While we won't ever hear about all of them, we've heard enough to have previously written about everything from gun-toting drones to self-guided bullets and robot insect spies. Now, an Estonian ...
As robots become more ubiquitous, the interaction between humans and machines becomes more interesting. Understanding how we as people engage with robots or virtual characters is at the heart of ...
By David Hambling. In a lagoon in Venice, robotic lily pads float on the surface, with clusters of electronic mussels resting on the bed below. Meanwhile a robotic fish swims between them exchanging ...

原标题:人类可用意念控制机器人,脑机接口能否成为新风口? 近日,麻省理工学院下属的计算机科学与人工智
