你在淘宝上看到的图片和视频,到底怎样一步步被机器人接管? 谁是大英雄2018/04/21 摘要 在让AI 协助人类的这条路上,阿里带来了「鲁班」和 Aliwood 两套 AI ...
Japanese Engineer Wins at Life With 28-Foot ‘Gundam’ Robot – Geek
The fictional RX-78-2 Gundam manned robot—based on Robert Heinlein's 1959 novel “Starship Troopers”—is a prototype weapon that falls into the hands of a young mechanic-turned-pilot. The real-life LW-Mononofu—developed at Sakakibara Kikai in Japan ...
If male sex robots rape women it could land their programmers in jail, warns expert – The Sun
“A male sex robot, like any robot, has no desires of its own,” he told the Daily Star. “These are inanimate devices run by computer programming. “Thus if a male gendered sex robot were to rape a woman...the police would need to hunt down the programmer ...
If male sex robots rape women, their programmers could be jailed, expert saysMetro
If male sex robots rape women, their programmers could be jailed, expert says
Robots build digitally designed prefabricated timber modules at ETH Zurich – Dezeen
Researchers at ETH Zurich university have pioneered a method of robotic construction, which is being used to create a computer-designed modular house in the city. Spatial Timber Assemblies by ETH Zurich. The process known as Spatial Timber Assemblies ...
Drones Playing Critical Role in Emergency Response
In a basement of New York University in 2013, Dr. Sergei Lupashin wowed the room of 100 leading technology enthusiasts with one of the first indoor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) demonstrations. During his presentation, Dr. Lupashin of ETH Zurich attached a dog leash to an aerial drone while declaring to the audience, “there has to be…
The post Drones Playing Critical Role in Emergency Response appeared first on The Robot Report.
What depressed robots can teach us about mental health – The Guardian
For example, someone who becomes disabled due to a severe injury suddenly needs to learn to view themselves in a new way. A person who does so may thrive, while a person who fails to may become depressed. The idea of a depressed AI seems odd, but ...
Ghost in the machine: the robot that can understand emotion – The Guardian
“With Furhat what we are trying to create is that final stage and bring that machine to the physical world – a robot that can sit with you, understand your physical space, interact with more than one person.” Last year the company, which has 17 ...
Robot injections? Makers look to bring automation to health care – Nikkei Asian Review
TOKYO -- Robots are taking on new roles in society as Japan and other countries face aging populations and rising demand for medical and elderly care. Industrial robot makers are now looking to apply their high-precision control technologies in health ...
Watch Out, the Robot Shipbuilders Are Coming – Bloomberg
Based on that success, the shipbuilder is developing an even smaller welding robot that will weigh 14.5 kilograms. It's still early days for shipbuilding robots. By comparison, about 70 percent of car manufacturing is automated, boosting the pace of ...