网易科技讯 1月10日消息,英国每日邮报报道,据性玩偶行业的一位先驱者称,随着去年女性性机器人销量的下跌,设计了仿生阴茎的男性性机器人今年将上市销售。这位先驱者...
A towering robot with facial recognition could improve your table tennis game – CNBC
Omron's Forpheus robot straddles a standard table and uses facial recognition to improve its opponent's skills. Forpheus reads your expressions to tell what kind of player you are, advancing the level of play as needed. "That human-machine interface is ...
I played ping pong with a robot and lostMashable
I played ping pong with a robot and lost
A Robot That Tugs on Pig Organs Could Save Human Babies – WIRED
What researchers detail today in the journal Science Robotics is how their robot could not only help treat this disorder, but also short bowel syndrome, in which a child loses large portions of the intestines to infection. Implantable robots, then, may ...
4米高新型机器人如巨型骨架 人类坐在里面操纵它飞奔
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