Picture a robot. In all likelihood, you just pictured a sleek metallic or chrome-white humanoid. Yet the vast majority of robots in the world around us are nothing like this; instead, they're specialized for specific tasks. Our cultural conception of ...
Pretend for a minute you're the captain of a ship that's being attacked by enemy cannons. Your crew is panicking. Now – say something funny. Making up jokes on the spot is a real test of wits. Yet two comedians have developed an improv show in which ...
原标题:伯克利最新发明机器人:他叫Vestri,他能“看见”未来 近日,雷锋网新智造知悉:加州大学伯
近日,中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所微纳米课题组在类生命机器人领域取得的最新成果,以Simultaneous Measurement of Multiple Mechanical Properties of Single Cells Using ...
原标题:情感机器人:读懂你的情绪 做有温度的机器人(图) 中新网合肥12月5日电(记者 韩苏原) 原标题:情感机器人:读懂你的情绪 做有温度的机器人(图) 中新...
If you've been on the internet recently you might have come across the above tweet, showing a robot with a CCTV camera for a head doing some half-hearted pole-dancing. It's a good tweet! It captures a bunch of extremely 2017 feelings, including ...
That's an important advance because the system doesn't require an army of programmers to code in every single possible physical contingency which, given how complicated and varied the world is, would be a hideously onerous (and even intractable) task
...Robot able to learn like a baby and predict future outcomes being developed by Berkeley scientistsThe IndependentThis Clairvoyant Robot Can See the FutureOuter PlacesRobots that can see into their future developedEconomic TimesDaily Mail -
International Business Times UK -
ZME Science
哈佛大学研发软体充气机器人 减少手术给人体造成的创伤,哈佛大学研发的软体机器人在医疗领域发挥了很大作用,这种机器人是用有弹性的橡胶材料制成的,并且在内部还注入...