Why DARPA and NASA are building robot spacecraft designed to act like service stations on orbit – Washington Post
Now, the Defense Advanced Projects Agency, NASA and others, are developing technologies that would extend the life of the critical infrastructure in space, preventing satellites from being shipped to the graveyard for years. If successful, the agencies ...
Robot growing pains: Two US factories show tensions of going digital – Reuters
PA) new plant - dubbed Columbus South to distinguish it from the older operation known as Gladstone - is glistening clean and the physical work is lighter. But the 57-year-old found her new job had long hours and was monotonous - loading parts onto ...
Stabilization of a wheeled inverted pendulum assistant robot – Phys.Org
The robot, I-PENTAR, has a waist joint, two arms—with elbows—and a wheeled inverted pendulum mobile platform. I-PENTAR must be able to assess the ground upon which it moves, including the angle and grip, and it must be able to remain upright with ...
Space.. the fi, er, New Frontiers: NASA to hurl space robot at duck comet – or Saturn moon – The Register
NASA is drawing up plans to send a robot out into space to either drill into the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko – or checking out Titan, Saturn's largest moon. The two proposed missions are still in their very early design phases, and were chosen from ...
NASA advances missions to land a flying robot on Titan or snatch a piece of a cometWashington Post
NASA advances missions to land a flying robot on Titan or snatch a piece of a comet