原标题:美国研发航天机器人修理卫星,可延长卫星生命 12月26日消息??根据华盛顿邮报报道,美国正在研
21st-Century Repairman: The Robot in the Gas Main – New York Times
New Yorkers can argue all they want about alligators in the sewers, but this is indisputable: A robot has been creeping through a gas main. Its mission is to repair potentially leaky joints in an aging component of New York City's increasingly creaky ...
聊天机器人市场呈爆炸式增长 众科技巨头加速布局
人工智能热潮下思考:回归商业本质 落地应用是关键
A university lab gives members of the public a chance to control a swarm of robots – Marketplace.org
The Robotarium has about 100 ground robots that glide along a white surface. Each has a Wi-Fi chip on top and small rubber wheels on the bottom. - Tasnim Shamma/ for Marketplace. It can be tough to study robotics at a high level if you don't have ...
谷歌投资2500万研发AI机器人 有望实现无纸办公
Learn the ropes of robotics with this programmable dancing robot – Boing Boing
Contrary to popular belief, mastering the fundamentals of robotics doesn't have to be a mind-numbing slog through programming and electronics courses. SunFounder's Nano DIY 4-DOF Robot Kit offers an intuitive and beginner-friendly way to break into the ...