Nobody’s Ready for the Killer Robot – Bloomberg
Last year a bunch of tech-industry bigshots wrote a letter to the U.N. urging a ban on killer robots. There was a group that held a meeting in November, under the authority of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons that tried to get the ball ...
Black Mirror creator explains that ‘Metalhead’ robot nightmare – EW.com (blog)
We've all seen movies and TV shows about killer robots. But until Netflix's new season of its future-shock anthology drama Black Mirror, never before have we seen a terrifying vision of machines run amuck that so closely resembles the design of actual ...
南京启动“中医”版机器人医生“Dr. Hwa”研发计划
(原标题:南京启动“中医”版机器人医生“Dr. Hwa”研发计划) 中新网南京12月28日电 (记者 申冉 通讯员 吴难)28日,记者获悉,南京正式启动人工智能医生“Dr....
This self-driving delivery robot uses facial recognition to unlock the goodies – Digital Trends
Small, wheel-based delivery robots continue to be of interest to many startups around the world, though considering the tragedy that befell this hitchhiking robot a few years ago, it's hard to know if the human race is actually ready to fully embrace ...
Social robot could help autistic adults find work – The Straits Times
We can use that information to help the robot understand what kind of emotional state the person is currently in, as well as taking in information from the face. So you get quite a rich picture of the user. And then by developing the robot's ...
发改委印发三年行动计划 布局新一代智能机器人