Origami-like soft robot can lift 1000 times its weight – Engadget
Now, scientists at MIT CSAIL & Harvard have developed origami-like artificial muscles that add much-needed strength to soft robots, allowing them to lift objects as much as 1,000 times their own weight ...
Soft robot muscles with origami skeletons can lift 1000 times their own weightThe Verge
Soft Robots Acquire Origami Skeletons for Super-StrengthWIRED
These 'Origami' Robot Muscles Can Lift 1000x Their Own WeightHuffPost UK
Soft robot muscles with origami skeletons can lift 1000 times their own weight
Soft Robots Acquire Origami Skeletons for Super-Strength
These 'Origami' Robot Muscles Can Lift 1000x Their Own Weight
This robot miner will soon be exploiting resources humans can’t reach – ZDNet
Enaex, which supplies blasting services for mine operators, recently teamed up with robotics company SRI International to see if they could create a robot miner. They're calling their automated solution, ...
本报讯(记者任国战河南报业全媒体记者张龙飞)11月24日上午,安阳市与哈尔滨工业大学机器人集团(HRG)签署战略合作协议,携手共建哈工大安阳机器人小镇。 根据协议,该项...
新西兰制造世界首个虚拟女性政治家 将参与大选
中新网11月26日电 据外媒报道,新西兰软件设计师尼克·格里森设计出了世界上第一个能够成为女性政治家的机器人,欲让其参加2020年的该国大选。 据报道,这位名叫...
纽约大学教授谈MR/AR/VR发展趋势 将与机器人等多种技术融合
可以装入口袋的旅行智能机器人面世 仅百克重
自然科研(Nature Research)将于2019年1月增添三本新刊:《自然-机器智能》、《自然-新陈代谢》和《自然综述:物理学》。