图中这个机器人Harmony 2.1号称是“世界上第一款经济适用型性爱机器人”,为了让它更具人性化,创作者马特·马克穆伦(Matt McMullen,右)为它配置了苏格兰口音的...
The ethics of human robots: Sam Jinks brings an artist’s perspective to the discourse – The Conversation AU
In recent attempts to make robots that look human, such as Sophia, Han, Erica, and Jia Jia, the latest technology is able to capture micro-movements of the face including blinks and frowns. While this is ...
小心吸尘器偷录家中视频:LG Hom-bot系列智能机器人有安全漏洞
Amazon Is Quietly Building the Robots of Sci-Fi—Piece by Practical Piece – Singularity Hub
How about, for example, having humanoid robots? They could match us in dexterity and speed, perceive the world around them as we do, and be programmed to do, well, more or less anything we can ...
Sarcos Robotics CEO:为什么多任务机器人代表了地球工作方式的未来?
洛杉矶警局用 AI “预测犯罪”;北欧银行拟裁员六千,用智能机器取…
March of the sexbots: They talk, they make jokes, have ‘customisable’ breasts – the sex robot is no longer a weird … – Daily Mail
The robot has 18 different personality types from happy to sensual, shy to talkative. It is modes such as 'shy' which most concern critics, who cite another sexbot as a blatant invitation to 'normalise' rape.