原标题:首发 | 光珀在美国推出新型激光雷达,主攻机器人与自动驾驶 旧金山当地时间9月29日下午,在 原标题:首发 | 光珀在美国推出新型激光雷达,主攻机器人与自动...
The World’s 1st Molecular Robot Has Just Been Created by UK Scientists – Big Think
Now, a team at the University of Manchester in the UK has reached another milestone. They've developed a robot so small, it operates on the molecular level. This, the world's first molecular robot has ...
Self-Driving Dilemma: How to Pass the Wheel Between Human and Robot – Wall Street Journal (subscription)
This summer, Audi held an elaborate media event in Spain to celebrate a new sedan that would allow drivers to let go of the wheel and pedal while in traffic jams and pay attention to something else.
候机楼里的地勤即将消失 他们将会被机器人取代
这样看来,“无人值守机场”指日可待。... 汉莎航空的Mildred、哥伦比亚航空的Carla、新西兰航空的Oscar都是这样,用机器人取代传统的人工服务,在手机上给乘客们提供方...
In Japan, robot dog detects foot odor – WatertownDailyTimes.com
A robot dog named Hana-chan can sniff them and make the call. The robot dog, developed by start-up Next Technology, LLC., can check for foot odor. Next Technology is based at the National Institute ...
程序员正在开发AI来代替程序员做开发 | 唠氪儿
—这是唠氪儿陪伴你的第 204 天— 大家好,我是氪小萝卜 不得不说程序员是一个极度纯粹的人群 他们希望简化一切 希望把复杂归于简单明了 所以 程序员开始...