When you picture futuristic robots, you probably imagine a machine that behaves like Optimus Prime — nimbly transforming itself into different shapes and combinations at will. That remains a distant ...
Thanks to special exoskeleton outfits, a tiny transforming
robot can now become more than meets the eye. Once outfitted with the plastic exoskeletons, the small bots– dubbed Primers– are able to swim, ...
The future of robots could be tiny origami bots that fold into different shapesQuartz
原标题:科学家为机器人开发新型安全气囊,监测到人类靠近时自动膨胀 摘要:机器感应到人类靠近时,会在工 原标题:科学家为机器人开发新型安全气囊,监测到人类靠近时...
原标题:比阿西莫更强大,本田研发人形救灾机器人 2015年本田曾在德国举行的IROS(国际智能机器人与系统大会)上发布了一篇关于用于灾难应对的实验性新型人形机器人的论文...
"A system like this could eventually help humans supervise robots from a distance," says CSAIL postdoctoral associate Jeffrey Lipton, who was lead author on a related paper about the system.
原标题:AI虚拟黑客机器人-网络安全领域的终极防御! 【PConline资讯】过去一段时间,连续发生了斯诺登、勒索病毒等安全领域的事件,使得人们深切感觉到我们所生存的数字地...