宁波依托自身优势,大力发展机器人产业,可谓追赶潮流,潜力无限。... 浙江省宁波市近年来抓住全球机器人兴起的新趋势,依托自身良好的实体经济产业基础与优势,加快由“制造...
World’s most human robot hints at future on Northland visit – New Zealand Herald
That's the verdict of Sophia, said to be the world's most human robot, who is visiting Northland for a conference aimed at cutting-edge Kiwi entrepreneurs. Built by Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics, ...
《星球大战8》新机器人角色曝光 BB-9E正式亮相
北京时间9月1日消息, 自黄白色圆形机器人BB-8在《星球大战:原力觉醒》露面后,全球掀起了一股同款购买热潮,这个新角色尤其受观众喜爱,关注度甚至远超主演本身。
(原标题:制博会:生产实际中的问题就是机器人竞赛题目) 新华社沈阳9月1日电(记者 邹明仲 王莹)第十六届中国国际装备制造业博览会1日在沈阳拉开帷幕,与往届不...
机器人的热度不仅体现在高速增长的市场规模数字上,各级政府部门、相关企业、协会和联盟等主办的各路机器人大会或展览也是档期不断。 最近刷屏的世界机器人大会之后,8...
专家:传统零售业下滑 机器人将威胁到47%的美国就业岗位
奥斯本(Michael Osborne)进行过一场激烈辩论,认定机器人将最终威胁到47%的美国就业岗位,此役令他一炮走红。 尽管面对许多其他研究人员的挑战,弗雷坚持自己的预测。他...
MIT Robot Learns To Move Around Crowded Places – I4U News
Robots are getting more and more humanlike. One day they could be able to move among humans without getting in their way and smootly navigate crowded places. But to do that they have to ...
This New Robot From MIT Can Politely Navigate Through CrowdsScienceAlert
Watch: This robot can follow rules of pedestriansCanada News
How to better track the movement of robotsPhys.Org
Popular Mechanics -The Hindu
This New Robot From MIT Can Politely Navigate Through Crowds
Watch: This robot can follow rules of pedestrians
How to better track the movement of robots