The children listened to a story read by a robot that looked like a cute plush creature with an animated face that allowed for emotional expressions and eye and mouth movements. For half the children, ...
Sewbot–SoftWear Automation's clothes-making robot–was developed at Georgia Tech's Advanced Technology Development Center in a process that began a decade ago. In 2012, researchers got a ...
Robotics technology provider of multi-axis force and torque sensors OptoForce has renamed its HEX-70-XE-200N and HEX-70-XH-200N end-of-arm robot sensors. Both also include several new enhancements — though the sensors’ prices will remain the same. The HEX-70-XE-is now the HEX-E. The HEX-70-XH-200N is now the HEX-H. Both models are part of OptoForce’s 6 axis F/T sensor family, which…
The post OptoForce: New models and enhancements to main robot sensors appeared first on The Robot Report.
The video, released by cyber security firm IOActive, starts the UBTech Alpha 1S - a programmable humanoid
robot that can play football, sing songs and dance, and is designed for use with the whole ...
Popular Robots Have Security Flaws That Could Make Them DangerousFortuneRobotics firm hits back at 'exaggerated' killer robot claimsThe INQUIRERRobot makers slow to address cyber risk: researchersReutersWIRED -
The Straits Times -
The Verge
More than 100 of the world's top robotics experts wrote a letter to the United Nations recently calling for a ban on the development of "killer robots" and warning of a new arms race. But are their fears ...
A smart lock company tested the strength and durability its new digital lock by creating a 16 inch tall, 25-pound aluminum testing robot that mimicked the behavior of teens slamming doors at 60 g-forces, ...

聊天机器人到底是什么呢?说白了,就是计算机程序通过听觉或文本方法进行对话。 当今最流行的四个对话机器人是:苹果的Siri、微软Cortana、谷歌助理、亚

[导读] 如今,各种新兴技术加持下发展的社会,其焕然一新的速度不禁令人赞叹,反应稍慢的人儿刚刚登上“互联网+”的快车,谁曾想,“机器人+”概念已经悄然而生。...

观众在成都创意设计产业展览会上观看机器人写毛笔字。 新华社记者 金马梦妮摄 继机器人下围棋战胜人类之后,机器人开始写诗了。2017年5月19日,机器人小冰在北京举办...
Root is an educational robot developed by faculty at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. Three Wyss employees recently started Root Robotics, a startup company that is ...