Despite what you might see in movies, today's
robots are still very limited in what they can do. They can be great for many repetitive tasks, but their inability to understand the nuances of human ...
A New Alexa-Like System Is Helping Robots Understand Context CluesFuturism
MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab has devised a method by which robots can understand and respond to voice commands, stated in clear, plain language. The system is advanced ...

Robots have a lot of challenges remaining before they become commonplace in our lives, and many of those are likely not even something you'd think about when trying to make a list. One good ...
For example, if you put a specific tool in a toolbox and ask a robot to “pick it up,” it would be completely lost. Picking it up means being able to see and identify objects, understand commands, recognize ...
Just as automation has begun to do jobs previously seen as uniquely suited for humans, like retrieving goods from warehouses, robots will assist your elderly relatives. As a robotics researcher, I believe ...
When each one of these components attains sufficient maturity, they can be combined to create a “universal” robot akin to C-3PO, said Dmitry Grishin, who cofounded Russian internet company Mail.
The robot uses origami building blocks to mimic the gait and metameric properties of earthworms and directional material design to mimic the function of the setae on earthworms that prevents backward ...
These are essentially software systems that make decisions and act on them, with real-world consequences. Examples include physical systems such as self-driving cars and robots, and software-only ...