"The robot has a unique minimalistic mechanical design and produces an advancing sine* wave, with a large amplitude, using only a single motor but with no internal straight spine," the researchers ...
无论是树木间乱窜的猴子,还是躲避对手的足球运动员,他们灵活敏捷的速度,都让人十分惊叹。掌握这种复杂的电机控制是物理智能研究的方向,是 AI 研究的重要组成部分
7月12日消息,据国外媒体报道,软银的机器人控股公司(SoftBank Robotics)在2017年3月底陷入了资不抵债的状况。
A module for rapid, accurate and versatile positioning of semiconductor chips has been developed by Singaporean researchers. It features a novel electromechanical actuator that can move objects both linearly and rotationally.
已被实践证明是宝贵战斗伙伴的羊驼将被以色列军方用机器人取代。这对在军中服役的羊驼来说或许是好消息。 美国石英财经网站10日报道,自今年9月起,以色列军方将开始...
From wire to finished product in less than 13 minutes: a new robot-builder is faster than most takeaways. It works by bending wire that already has motors attached into different shapes, using a process ...
How do you stop a robot from hurting people? Many existing robots, such as those assembling cars in factories, shut down immediately when a human comes near. But this quick fix wouldn't work for ...
STEAM 教育所倡导的教育理念非常契合我的需求,是主动教育的入口。而以机器人作为教具,一方面非常符合孩子爱玩的天性,另一方面计算机编程、基础物理,数学等都可以融入...