PENSACOLA, Fla. (WEAR) — About 100 firefighters are killed in the line of duty every year. A robot being developed at Pensacola's groundbreaking Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) ...
Autonomous robots can inspect nuclear power plants, clean up oil spills in the ocean, accompany fighter planes into combat and explore the surface of Mars.
据日经新闻7月12日报道,日本软银集团旗下开发和销售Pepper的软银机器人控股公司(Soft Bank Robotics Holdings Corp,下称SBRH),已于2017年3月底陷入资不抵债。报道...
美国卡耐基梅隆大学CMU研发的机器人触觉反馈系统Finge 请点击升级您的Flash Player版本,最低版本要求:11.0 按住此条可拖动相关视频 猜你喜欢 00:00:38 《广东卫视...
Introducing the robot psychologist, or robopsychologist. That is a person who creates a bridge between human and AI learning and interaction. He helps the AI to acquire information in a way that will ...
Robotics has the potential to change the world. From jobs that are difficult or dangerous to do, to jobs that people simply don't want to do, robotics will..