Sooner or later, our children will be raised by robots, so it's natural that Disney, purveyor of both robots and child-related goods, would want to get ahead of that trend. A trio of studies from its Research ...
"There are eight tasks the robot has to complete in 30 minutes, and it has to complete them without any communication from us," said Jon Machinski, the business team lead for the project.
Straight out of the box, Anki's adorable
robot Cozmo plays games, fist bumps, and uses its big, blue digital eyes to convey convincing emotional range. And its brain uses machine learning, so it gets ...
Anki's Cozmo robot now has a visual programming mode to teach kids to codeThe VergeAnki's adorable toy robot Cozmo is back, and programmableCNETAnki's cute Cozmo robot can teach kids how to codeEngadgetVentureBeat -
Tom's Guide -
When a group of museums and researchers in the Netherlands unveiled a portrait entitled The Next Rembrandt, it was something of a tease to the art world. It wasn't a long lost painting but a new artwork generated by a computer that had analysed thousands of works by the 17th-century Dutch artist Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn.
[辽宁新闻]长篇报告文学《中国机器人》获得专家学者赞誉 发布时间:2017年06月24日 20:50 | 进入复兴论坛 | 来源:央视网 | 手机看新闻...

腾讯财经讯 据CNBC文章,软件公司Advanced Solutions已经研制出了全球第一台能够打印人体组织的3D打印机。 这台打印机名为BioAssemblyBot,它是第二代3D打印机,该打印...
It is evident consumer robots will the next big market to tackle for manufacturers. So far, no one knows for sure what types of robots, we can expect to be created in the coming years. TEO is an intriguing ...
