(原标题:扫地机器人专利战开打:iRobot 向多个竞争对手发起诉讼) 摘要:据外媒报道,扫地机器人厂商 iRobot 已经向一大票竞争对手发起了诉讼,指控它们侵犯了该公司...
一个机器人被猿猴抚养后会变成什么? 答案:机器人猿泰山。 这并不完全是一个冷笑话,像人猿泰山一样能够灵活运动的机器人
Biomimetic robot to help elderly, disabled people – Press TV
A UK-based company has developed a smart robotic pet that uses artificial intelligence to interact with humans. The robot is intended to be a companion for the elderly and people with disabilities.
Russian deputy PM insists shooting robot is ‘not a Terminator’ – Metro
This Russian space-bound robot is being trained to shoot guns from its hands, but the country's deputy Prime Minister insists it is not a 'Terminator'. The FEDOR (Final Experimental Demonstration ...
FEDOR Is a Gunslinging Robot That's Just a Skin Suit Away From WestworldFuturism
Stay calm, citizens: Russia's gun-wielding robot is definitely 'not Terminator'BGR
Russia Swears Its Gun-Shooting Bipedal Robot Is Not a TerminatorGeek
Ars Technica -Digital Trends
FEDOR Is a Gunslinging Robot That's Just a Skin Suit Away From Westworld
Stay calm, citizens: Russia's gun-wielding robot is definitely 'not Terminator'
Russia Swears Its Gun-Shooting Bipedal Robot Is Not a Terminator
Navy drone software brings us one step closer to robot-filled skies – Ars Technica
Northrop Grumman has announced that new software for the US Navy's MQ-4C Triton long-range patrol drone has passed a key flight test. The Triton is an upgraded maritime patrol version of Northrop ...
3D双目立体视觉系统,机器人也要擦亮眼睛工作! 在汽车行业,汽车后底板的抓取搬运主要交给工业机器人完成,这面临一大难题:每一块后底板的平面坐标XYR和空间坐标ZWP都...
Genius human teaches robot to shoot lasers into his eyes – The Verge
Shitty robots, I'm convinced, will one day save us all. In the not-too-distant future, when things look irreversibly bleak, I know some backyard bodger will accidentally come up with a source of infinite, ...