Whether for research, purchasing, education or in conjuncation with a family vacation, going to and attending robotics-related conferences and trade shows can provide real personal and business benefits, particularly when the venue is in a foreign location. Here are the 35 remaining events for 2017:
- Hannover Messe Trade Fair, April 24-28, Hannover, Germany
- Intl Conf on Autonomous Robot Systems (ICARSC), April 26-30, Coimbra, Portugal
- Intl Trade Fair for the Manufacturing Industry, May 3-5, Turin, Italy
- AUVSI's Xponential, May 8-11, Dallas, TX
- Innorobo, May 16-18, Paris, France
- IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 29-June 3, Singapore
- AUVSI Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition, June 2-5, Rochester, MI
- CES Asia, June 7-9, Shanghai, China
- Unmanned Cargo Innovation Conference, June 13-14, Maaspoort, The Netherlands
- ICAPS Robotic Track, June 18-23, Pittsburgh, PA
- Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, June 25-28, London, UK
- Autonomous Systems World, June 26-27, Berlin, Germany
- Conf on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM), June 27-30, Modena, Italy
- Automation and Robotics Conf, June 28-29, San Diego, CA
- Industrial Automation Shenzhen, June 28-30, Shenzhen, China
- Forbes AgTech Forum, June 28-29, Salinas, CA
- RoboUniverse Seoul, June 28-30, Seoul, Korea
- Intl Symposium on Automation & Robotics in Construction (ISARC), June 28-July 1, Taipei, Taiwan
- China Intl Robot Show (CIROS), July 5-8, Shanghai, China
- RoboCup, July 25-31, Nagoya, Japan
- Farm Progress Show, August 29-31, Decatur, IL
- InterDrone, September 6-8, Las Vegas, NV
- European Conf on Mobile Robotics, September 6-8, Paris, France
- Conf on Field and Service Robotics, September 12-15, Zurich, Switzerland
- RobotWorld, September 13-16, Seoul, Korea
- IEEE AFRICON 2017 and Robotics and AI, September 18-20, Cape Town, South Africa
- ROSCon, September 21-22, Vancouver, Canada
- IEEE Intl Conf on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September 24-28, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- RoboBusiness, September 27-28, Santa Clara, CA
- Drone World Expo, October 3-4, San Jose, CA
- China Industrial Automation and Robotics Show, November 7-11, Shanghai, China
- AgriTechnica, November 12-18, Hanover, Germany
- Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2017), November 13-15, Mountain View, CA
- Asian Robotics Exhibition AREX, November 23-24, Singapore
- iREX 2017, November 29-December 2, Tokyo, Japan