Elon Musk’s robot army revealed in leaked pictures – Daily Mail

A Reddit user claiming to work for robot making company Kuka posted the images of what he says are 467 robots being delivered to the car-making firm's California HQ. The photos show a large ...
Tesla's 'alien' inspired robot production line is becoming a realityBGR
Tesla's “Alien” Themed Robot Production Lines Become a RealityTechDigg
Tesla is Using Robot Army for Model 3 Production - I4U NewsI4U News

Watch a 3D-Printing Robot Construct a Building – Fortune

With 3D printing slowly coming into its own, researchers at MIT have conceived a way for robots to do much of the heavy lifting when constructing a building. MIT researchers published a paper in the ...
Watch this robot construct the world's biggest botmade building by itselfScience Magazine
Autonomous robot 3D printers like this could help build homes for us on other planetsThe Verge
MIT built a robot that can 3D print a buildingCNET
GeekWire -Motherboard


频道: 新闻中心 / 新闻视频 标签: 机器人 服务员 餐饮 简介: 有着世界工业晴雨表之称的德国汉诺威工业博览会盛大开幕,在今年的览会上,一款服务员机器人惊艳登场...