This robot constructs buildings from moon dust, ice and dirt – Axios

A new robot designed by a research affiliate at MIT can digitally construct buildings out of local materials ranging from ice to dirt to moon dust. Why it matters: The Digital Construction Platform (DCP) is ...
Giant robot 3D prints building in 14
This MIT Robot Could Build Your Next House Completely Out Of ...Co.Design (blog)
This robot can 3D print a building in 14 hoursWTNH Connecticut News (press release)

This terrifying robot can drill through your skull in 2 minutes – and that’s a good thing – Digital Trends

While it would take an experienced surgeon 2 hours to carry out this task using hand-drilling, the University of Utah's robot is able to achieve the same thing in just 2.5 minutes. That's 50x faster than was ...
Robot drill for faster surgeryDeccan Chronicle
robotic drill performs skull surgery 50 times fasterCNNMoney
Now, robot drill for 50 times faster skull surgeryEconomic Times