When the I-35W bridge over the Mississippi river in Minnesota collapsed in 2007, killing 13 people, it was because of defects in steel plates that safety inspectors had missed. A new robot helper could ...
一组来自多伦多Glen Ames公立学校7、8年级的学生,试图解决爱狗人士的为难处境。他们发明了一个名叫Petportion的机器人,该机器人可以帮助狗狗独立进食并保持健康,不用主人操心喂食啦。
If you want to create some more conventional artwork, however, but are missing the artistic muse that inspired Pollock, maybe you can put your creative energies to work building a robot that will create ...

关键字: 医疗机器人产业 导读: “哈工大俨然成了中国医疗机器人产业的人才摇篮”。日前,业内权威机构脉动网发表评论时称道。据该机构收集到的36家中国医疗机器人...
Robotics engineers with companies like Boston Dynamics have been hard at work on complex computer systems paired with motion sensors and gyroscopes to give their bipedal
robots the stability they ...
This biped robot uses mechanics instead of a computer brain to stay uprightThe VergeThis Ostrich Robot Can Run On Two Legs | IFLScienceIFLScienceThis Two-Legged Robot Can Run Without ThinkingNewsweekEngadget -
Popular Mechanics -
Digital Trends

2016年3月22日,日本共同社报道了由人工智能创作的小说作品《机器人写小说的那一天》入围日本第三届“星新一文学奖”初审的消息。这一奖项是以被 /> ...
A new
robot designed by a research affiliate at MIT can digitally construct buildings out of local materials ranging from ice to dirt to moon dust. Why it matters: The Digital Construction Platform (DCP) is ...
Giant robot 3D prints building in 14 hoursKRON4.comThis MIT Robot Could Build Your Next House Completely Out Of ...Co.Design (blog)This robot can 3D print a building in 14 hoursWTNH Connecticut News (press release)

【腾讯科技编者按】 据国外媒体报道称,随着科学技术日新月异的发展,如今的机器人也变得越来越智能化,无论是参与高风险手术,还是全自动化建造车辆等工作对它们来说...