In an attempt to streamline the procedure, and make it less invasive, medical researchers from Vanderbilt University and the University of Leeds have co-developed a first-of-its-kind capsule
robot, ...
'Capsule Robot' May Guide Future Colon CheckWebMDMagnetic Robot Can Perform ColonoscopiesLive ScienceFirst-ever autonomously controlled 'capsule robot' explores colonScience DailyNew Atlas -
The Times (subscription) -
导语:「全球人工智能与机器人峰会」(CCF-GAIR),将于 7.7-7.9 日在深圳召开。今天介绍的嘉宾是苏黎世联邦理工学院教授Brad Nelson。
Do you ever wonder what tomorrow holds? Some people are pretty convinced that the future will be filled with flying cars and jetpacks and robot butlers. But here in the year 2017, I'm not so sure ...
A robot has been used to successfully perform a delicate eye surgery on six patients in a world-first trial, which shows that robotic procedures can be more accurate than the trained human hand.
美丽新世界的诗意画卷——读报告文学《中国机器人》 作者:梁鸿鹰(文艺报总编辑) 人类社会的进步,向来以劳动生产力水平的提高、人的双手的解放等来
Robots are performing a variety of tasks at organizations, and they're expected to take on a growing number of functions at companies including manufacturers, hotels, healthcare providers, and ...