城市管网分布复杂,清淤工作光靠人力效率低且危险程度大,恒通环境全球首创下水道清淤机器人。 下水道清淤机器人最大特点是实现了“人不下井、路不开挖、水不截流、...
Most human interactions with robots come from behind a screen. Whether it's fiction or a real-life interaction, rarely are we put face to face with a robot. This poses a significant barrier when we look ...
Most human interactions with robots come from behind a screen. Whether it's fiction or a real-life interaction, rarely are we put face to face with a robot. This poses a significant barrier when we look ...
MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (C
Amazon is offering $250,000 to teams who invent next-generation robots that could potentially work in their fulfillment centers. Sixteen finalists have been chosen for the Amazon Robotics Challenge in ...
The student asked White why he didn't have a robot. “I said, 'That's another good question,'” White said. “I said, 'We have a robotics team and those guys do a bang-up job.'” With the skills and resources ...
A small
robot is roving around a massive U.S. nuclear waste site to gather critical samples of potential air and water contamination after an emergency was declared Tuesday. The machine was ...
Hanford Nuclear Site Tunnel Collapse: Send in the RobotInverse
In an attempt to streamline the procedure, and make it less invasive, medical researchers from Vanderbilt University and the University of Leeds have co-developed a first-of-its-kind capsule
robot, ...
'Capsule Robot' May Guide Future Colon CheckWebMDMagnetic Robot Can Perform ColonoscopiesLive ScienceFirst-ever autonomously controlled 'capsule robot' explores colonScience DailyNew Atlas -
The Times (subscription) -

导语:「全球人工智能与机器人峰会」(CCF-GAIR),将于 7.7-7.9 日在深圳召开。今天介绍的嘉宾是苏黎世联邦理工学院教授Brad Nelson。