德国联邦教育研究部(BMMF)近日与全球知名的机器人制造商KUKA等企业合作启动了一项新的金属3D打印项目 — ProLMD。此项目会重点研究激光金属沉积(LMD)技术,然后将其...
在人机交互著名会议 IntelliGEnt User Interface conference上,美国军方和DCS集团的研究人员展示了其正在研发的机器人杀手。研究人员通过采集军人在狙击物体时脑电波的...
For the last eight days, the Global Explorer ROV (remote operated vehicle) has been on an underwater mission off the coast of Chesapeake Bay, in an area called the US Mid-Atlantic margin, where the ...
Cloe Gray watches a computer screen most of the day, sitting in her pink bedroom surrounded by stuffed animals, books and photos on the wall. The 11-year-old is not able to go to school. She is at ...
(原标题:Aquajet System推出世界上最小的水力清拆机器人) 摘要:Aquajet Systems发明了世界上最小的水力清拆机器人Aqua Cutter 410V。多功能模型使该机器人能在...
In the coming robot revolution, one area believed to be relatively safe from automation is creativity. While artificial intelligence may soon usurp taxi drivers, receptionists, and even lawyers, the uniquely ...
(原标题:[视频]麻省理工开发出“让机器人教会其它机器人”的C-Learn技术) 摘要:在许多科幻影视作品中,都提到机器人在接管了接管了世界之后会带来可怕的后果。...