At the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon in New York today, a team of sophomores from Rutgers University introduced a social robot, named Robota, to help teachers in special ed classrooms.
The authors of a new study of the Swing Riots say those days offer valuable lessons in how the workforce will respond as dexterous robots with evolving brains continue to replace humans.
RoboWaiter's crack team, consisting of a developer, designer and a robotics expert, came together at last night's Disrupt NY hackathon to create a faster, better, smarter waiter using IBM Watson and ...
Phillip Lippolis, a student at Boyden Elementary School in Walpole, Massachusetts, is battling leukemia. But while he's home, he's able to attend school with his friends via "Philbot,"a robot able to roam ...
It costs a stupendous amount of money to send something from the surface of Earth to the surface of Mars, and there are severe limits on the volume and mass that you can send at any one time. In order ...
研究团队通过分析伦勃朗的现存作品,让机器自主学习艺术家的绘画风格和主题,“机器人伦勃朗”最后打造了一张3D 打印作品,画了一幅三四十岁、头戴帽子、有胡子、面向...