Into that canon enters a new soft gripping
robot, which as described in a study released today in the journal Nature Communications, uses the flytrap as its design inspiration for sensing and ...
'Venus flytrap' soft robot gets a gripChemical & Engineering News
Anyone thinking of building a robot needs to figure out exactly what components will be required to achieve the desired functionality. Some of those functions remain the same across all robots though, ...
A team from the University of California San Diego has developed the first soft
robot that can walk on rough surfaces like pebble-covered ground. The 3D-printed, four-legged
robot can also climb over ...
Meet Tolley, the single most adorable robot you'll ever see ever — who's also a breakthroughZME Science
Life could have been so different for Baxter the Robot. A product of US company, Rethink Robotics, Baxter was designed to perform any dull, repetitive tasks no human would ever want to undertake.
Fear of artificial intelligence is real, and Canada has a problem on its hands: The country may soon be killed by cuteness. After taking trips to the US and Europe, Japan's Pepper robot will soon start ...
PingWest品玩5月19日报道,微软近期宣布为Bing带来一些新功能,Bing现在可以在Skype、Facebook Messenger、Slack、Telegram等即时通讯平台上搜索可用的聊天机器人,用户能够...
On a cold, bright January morning I walked south across Westminster Bridge to St Thomas' Hospital, an institution with a proud tradition of innovation: I was there to observe a procedure generally ...
纽约特种外科医院骨外科专家Jerabek在盛诺一家TOP DOCTOR尊享沙龙上表示,与人工置换手术相比,触觉机器人手术不再完全依赖医生的经验与手感,通过严谨的科技让手术更加...