仿生机器人奠基人Mark Cutkosky院士分享科研之路
Mark Cutkosky是美国两院院士、斯坦福大学机械工程教授与设计研究中心主任,主要研究机器人触觉和仿生机器人,是斯坦福大学最著名的机器人教授之一。 他是全球仿生机器人...
Shedding light on how humans walk… with robots
Learning how to walk is difficult for toddlers to master; it's even harder for adults who are recovering from a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or other condition, requiring months of intensive, often frustrating physical therapy. With the recent boom of the robotic exoskeleton industry, more and more patients are being strapped into machines that apply forces to their legs as they walk, gently prodding them to modify their movements by lengthening their strides, straightening their hips, and bending their knees. But, are all patients benefiting from this kind of treatment? A group of scientists led by Paolo Bonato, Ph.D., Associate Faculty member at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and Director of the Motion Analysis Laboratory at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, has discovered a crucial caveat for rehabilitative exoskeletons: humans whose lower limbs are fastened to a typical clinical robot only modify their gait if the forces the robot applies threaten their walking stability.
Judah vs. the Machines: SeuratBot is an artistic robot that knows art, but lacks purpose – TechCrunch
If art is a window into the soul, what does art discover when it peers deep into the inner workings of a robot? In this installment of Judah vs. the Machines, actor Judah Friedlander tests his art skills ...
This artist has a classroom of robots that chat, count and draw portraits – Wired.co.uk
In a specially-designed classroom near Southwark station in London, 20 robot students are hard at work. They chat to each other in a language inspired by morse code before their robot teacher settles ...
Waltzing robot teaches beginners how to dance like a pro – New Scientist
The robot's designers had already created mechanical dance partners that follow a human's lead, but the new machine gently guides novices through routines while adapting to their skill level.
日本京大开发的救援机器人亮相 可轻松跨越落差
法公司推出可代客泊车机器人 已投入戴高乐机场
法国公司Stanley Robotics设计开发出一款可代客泊车机器人,现已应用于戴高乐机场。... 法国初创公司Stanley Robotics设计开发出一款可代客泊车的机器人,现已应用于戴高乐...