核心提示:工业和信息化部装备工业司副巡视员曹钢说,2017年工信部将从实施工业机器人规范管理、建立行业组织、完善检测和认证平台三方面推动机器人产业规范发展。 新华...
记者 王欢】据日本共同社5月26日报道,日本软银集团25日开始在出售智能手机等的店铺“软银梅田中央”(位于大阪市北区)推出由人形机器人“Pepper”以及川崎重工业公司...
A woman poses next to French designer Gael Langevin's InMoov robot after he unveiled it at a technology fair in Bucharest, Romania, Friday, May 26, 2017. Based on an idea developed from a ...
To make the model, robot builders need a computer, a 3D printer, certain materials and the skill to assemble them. The robot costs around 1500 euros. Experts hope the robot will be used at universities, ...
Controlled by an accompanying app, the robot is programmed to mimic the motion of the hand, drawing each line in exactly the same order and copying precisely the drawing style and character.
The robot learned what kind of grip should work for different items by studying a vast data set of 3-D shapes and suitable grasps. The UC Berkeley researchers fed images to a large deep-learning ...
【环球科技综合报道】据英国《每日邮报》5月24日报道,日本东北大学的研究人员开发了一种能指导人们跳舞的机器人。 与以往的舞蹈机器人不同,这款机器人不仅可以与...