In the other, Russ Tedrake's
Robot Locomotion Group at CSAIL uses GelSight sensors to enable a
robot to manipulate smaller objects than was previously possible. The GelSight sensor is, in some ...
Video: New Sensor Technology Gives Robots Greater Touch SensitivityElectronics360
Traditional rigid-bodied robots are stiff, with few degrees of freedom, placing limits on many applications. Recently, more engineers are learning from the soft flexibility properties of living beings to advance bionic soft robotics. The main characteristics of soft robots are flexibility, deformability and energy-absorbtion.
Experts have developed a machine that automatically roams the garden and uses sensors to detect weeds sprouting from the soil, which it then cuts down. The
robot, called Tertill (pictured), is solar ...
This Plucky Little Robot Will Weed Your Garden For YouHuffPost UKRoomba creator wants to do for gardens what he did for your floorsEngadgetYour garden's worst nightmares are over thanks to a new weed-killing

数十年来,机器人厂商一直在向动物和仿生学求教,通过后者来帮助他们了解如何研制一种能够在地球上的各种地形条件下行进的机器人。 卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon ...
Eight years ago, Ted Adelson's research group at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) unveiled a new sensor technology, called GelSight, that uses physical contact ...
A team of researchers at ETH Zurich have created another cool autonomous robot. Big surprise there, right? These eggheads are going to kill us all. Well, this robot is capable of picking up odd shaped ...

Not only has [Joop Brokking] built an easy to make balancing robot but he's produced an excellent set of plans and software for anyone else who wants to make one too. Self-balancers are a milestone ...
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Don't worry, robots aren't taking over the world, but they are starting to take classes. Sarah Perkins was studying educational leadership at Drake University, but when the ...