(原标题:探秘:机器人怎么生产机器人?) 【简介】生产一台机器人,从取零件、搬运,到装配、检测、最后成品入库,只需要一名工程师输入指令,其余全由机器人独立完成。...
China is home to the world's fastest-growing robot market, and competitive industrial robotics makers like E-Deodar Robot Equipment Co, Anhui Efort Intelligent Equipment Co and Siasun Robot ...
When picking an object up, it takes humans a mere instant to know if they've grasped it properly, or if they need to adjust their grip so it's more secure. Teaching
robots how to properly pick something is ...
This Tool Lets You Make Your Own Robot 'Puppy'ValueWalk
Just weeks after Lyft and Alphabet's Waymo said they'd work together to test self-driving cars, the No. 2 U.S. rideshare company unveiled plans for a separate pilot project in Boston with nuTonomy to ...

导读: 外媒盘点最具想象力的机器人,众多创意新颖的机器,你最喜欢哪个? OFweek机器人网讯:近日,外媒盘点了最具想象力的机器人,在下列机器人中,你最喜欢哪一款呢?...

尚七网6月6日讯 6月3日至4日,“第一届全国高校机器人工程专业建设讨论会”在东南大学四牌楼校区举行。

人民网东京6月6日报道 据《朝日新闻》网站报道,位于日本名古屋市一家运用IT技术为幼儿园孩子提供监护服务的Unifa公司,在3月份举办的全球风投企业“创业世界杯大赛”...
The robot uses a camera to scan objects in 3D and a torque sensor to control its precise movements when stacking items. The arm of the robot collects items of various sizes using a three-fingered ...
Robot Adversaries for Learning Tasks Image: CMU CMU and Google researchers are using an adversarial training strategy to improve manipulation tasks such as grasping. The adversary can be a ...