As robots come to dominate manufacturing, and automation eats its way into more business processes, societies are beginning to address the future of work for humans. Another issue -- for the power ...
新浪科技讯 北京时间6月9日早间消息,软银周四宣布,已从Alphabet手中收购了人形机器人公司Boston Dynamics。软银还收购了另一家来自Alphabet的机器人公司Schaft。这笔...
Sarah Perkins takes her education seriously. So seriously she's using a learning robot to take classes at Drake University in Des Moines from halfway across the country. The Des Moines native was a ...
So far, researchers have used it to create all kinds of machines, from a wheeled robot with a knack for drawing to a four-legged puppy-bot, and they say it can be mastered by experts and novices alike.
IMAGE: Even though the robot hands are strong enough to crush the apple, they dole out their strength for a fine-touch grip that also won't damage delicate objects. This is made... view more.
A team of researchers led by CWI will investigate the use of robots in order to emotionally support children that suffer from cancer. The robots must act as a personal, social friend for the children at times ...
In every sci-fi depiction of an eventual robot apocalypse, the mechanical monstrosities move with cold, calculated precision, dispatching or enslaving humanity with a complete lack of sympathy and no ...
When it comes to robots and artificial intelligence, there are a lot of predictions that they could eliminate millions of jobs in the years ahead. Even jobs you might not expect, like a barber. Simeon Kikirov ...
As tech improves, robot pets are set to become more popular. But they will need to sound the part. Most existing robo-dogs are programmed to play pre-recorded woofs or growls that rarely fit the robot's ...