Scientists use simple materials to create semi-soft robots
At the beginning of the decade, George Whitesides helped rewrite the rules of what a machine could be with the development of biologically inspired "soft robots." Now he's poised to rewrite them again, with help from some plastic drinking straws.
This robot uses deep learning to write and play its own music –
The robot, named Shimon, was given a vast amount of musical data: more than 5,000 complete songs, two million motifs, riffs and short passages of music by researchers at Georgia Tech University.
Robot uses deep learning and big data to write and play its own musicPhys.Org
Robot uses deep learning and big data to write and play its own music
Harvard team constructs insect-inspired robots from drinking straws – New Atlas
Rigid steel-and-plastic robots have their place, but some applications require a softer touch. Already in development are light-powered tiny caterpillars, chemical-powered squishy octopi, and a robot ...
原标题:固体火箭+陀螺仪稳定器:这款小型机器人将成为行星探索利器 从整体而言,固体火箭绝对的货真价实,它们用起来非常简单可靠,以非常小的体积就能提供相当可观的...
Legs or Wheels, Robot Uses Both – DesignNews
The robot's inventor team, which included Ting-Hao Wang and Sammy Lin from National Taiwan University, believe that offering the choice of legs or wheels boils down to a matter of efficiency.