A snake-like robot (pictured) that measures 26 feet (8 metres) and is covered in short brush-like hairs has been built to probe disaster zones by Japanese scientists. The bizarre machine can climb over ...
Robots come in all shapes and sizes, but even if your nightmares of an eventual robot takeover of the Earth conjure images of heavily-armed battle droids stomping humans into submission, you haven't ...

原标题:日本研究人员正在开发一种巨型蛇机器人来探索福岛荒原 日本各家大学与高科技公司正在研发各种类型机器人,来探索日本福岛高放射性核电厂灾区,来评估融化核心...
There are many joys to be had when you're the owner of a lush garden, but weeding is not one of them. Enter this cute robot named, Tertill. It's about to solve all of your gardening woes. As the video ...
Combat robots will rapidly become an inherent part of US fighting forces within the next 10-15 years, defence experts say. Washington is apparently seeking to gain military edge over China, Russia and ...
SAW (single actuating wave) robots are versatile robots that travel on any surface, climb walls and even swim. The real-world applications are endless. Small-sized SAW robots can go through our ...

走进斯坦福大学人工智能研究中心的机器人实验室,这个漂浮在水里仿人型的机器人叫做“海洋一号”(Ocean One)。2016年的时候,“海洋一号”(OceanOne)机器人完成了...
At the beginning of the decade, George Whitesides helped rewrite the rules of what a machine could be with the development of biologically inspired "soft robots." Now he's poised to rewrite them again, with help from some plastic drinking straws.
robot, named Shimon, was given a vast amount of musical data: more than 5,000 complete songs, two million motifs, riffs and short passages of music by researchers at Georgia Tech University.
Robot uses deep learning and big data to write and play its own musicPhys.Org